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Ora. Sure Technologies - Ora. Sure in the News. BETHLEHEM – Bethlehem- based Ora.

  1. 1 I celebrate myself, and sing myself, And what I assume you shall assume, For every atom belonging to me as good belongs to you. I loafe and invite my soul.
  2. News Archive. Fall 2017. AAWCC Mercer Chapter “Thinks Pink” For Breast Cancer Awareness [10/27] WWFM’s Jed Distler Receives ASCAP Foundation Deems Taylor/Virgil.
  3. A former Hasidic mother temporarily lost custody of her children after coming out as gay, according to a court ruling. Chavie Weisberger, who lives in Brooklyn, New.

Based in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, OraSure Technologies develops, manufactures and markets point-of-care, oral fluid specimen collection devices that leverage. Tennis Backhand Two-Handed Backhand. If someone were to ask me which professional player had the best Two-Handed Backhand of all time, the first player to come to.

Sure Technologies has been named to Forbes magazine's The 1. Most Trusted Companies in America list.

The national magazine bases the designation on its evaluation of corporate financial reporting practices, rating each company on the transparency and accuracy of that reporting, whether the news is good or bad. Read full article[ close ]BETHLEHEM – Bethlehem- based Ora. Sure Technologies has been named to Forbes magazine's The 1.

Most Trusted Companies in America list. Read full article[ close ]Oncology play Checkmate Pharmaceuticals Inc. Cambridge, Mass.) hired David Mauro as CMO. He was EVP and CMO at Advaxis Inc. NASDAQ: ADXS). Rare disease company Lumos Pharma Inc. Austin, Texas) hired John Mc. Kew as CSO. He was VP of research at a.

Tyr Pharma Inc. (NASDAQ: LIFE). Read full article[ close ]BETHLEHEM – Ora.

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Sure has hired a new chief science officer. Michael Reed has been named the company's senior vice president of research and development and chief science officer. He replaces Stephen Lee, who left Ora. Sure in 2. 01. 4 and is now an independent consultant in the field of In Vitro diagnostics. Read full article[ close ]Public health experts fear that hepatitis C infection is rampant in certain medically underserved populations. Read full article[ close ]Each year, Forbes takes a look at the companies that make the most trustworthy picks, based on accounting and governance practices.

Read full article[ close ]India is firing dozens of foreign- funded health experts working inside the government, seen as part of a broader clampdown to reduce the influence of non- government organisations (NGOs) on policy. Read full article[ close ]About 2. Longview, Washington who were fitted dental device for sleep apnea might have been exposed to HIV as well as Hepatitis B and C. Read full article[ close ]Having to tell a student that they are possibly HIV positive is a life- changing responsibility that campus nurse Michele Kay doesn't take lightly. Read full article[ close ]A company has developed a quick oral HIV test that promises 9.

The product is conveniently named Ora. Quick and can be bought for a price of $ 6. The kit resembles a pregnancy test; it also functions pretty much in the same way: Read full article[ close ]Blantyre – A quick swab of the gums and people know their test results. In Malawi, many people didn't get tested for HIV before because that meant visiting a clinic – but they didn't want health officials to know their status.

Read full article[ close ]A quick swab of the gums and people know their test results. In Malawi, many people didn't get tested for HIV before because that meant visiting a clinic – but they didn't want health officials to know their status. Read full article[ close ]The more time we put into a relationship, the more we learn about our partner. Some revelations can be as small as learning that your partner had a sixth finger as a child.

But, others can mean finding out something more serious, like learning that your partner has human immunodeficiency virus, more commonly known as HIV. Read full article[ close ]The more time we put into a relationship, the more we learn about our partner. Some revelations can be as small as learning that your partner had a sixth finger as a child. But, others can mean finding out something more serious, like learning that your partner has human immunodeficiency virus, more commonly known as HIV. Read full article[ close ]Mali has increased vigilance along its border with Guinea, where Ebola has likely killed four people after re- emerging in the country's south, reports said on Thursday.

According to Dr Sakoba Keita, National Coordinator of the fight against Ebola in Guinea, Mali's move would likely prevent Guineans from travelling to the capital, Bamako to seek medical atttention. Read full article[ close ]BETHLEHEM—Ora.

Sure Technologies has appointed a new board member. The company announced Wednesday that former medical device and drug company executive Eamonn P. Hobbs will serve on the company's board of directors. Watch My Life As A Zucchini Online My Life As A Zucchini Full Movie Online. His initial term will expire at the 2.

May. Read full article[ close ]At- home STI tests might seem like a good idea – they don't require health insurance or departure from the privacy and comfort of one's home. They're convenient and could be more cost- effective than a trip to the doctor's office. But which at- home STI tests are best? Read full article[ close ]At- home STI tests might seem like a good idea – they don't require health insurance or departure from the privacy and comfort of one's home.

They're convenient and could be more cost- effective than a trip to the doctor's office. But which at- home STI tests are best? Read full article[ close ]As HIV testing continues to grow and expand throughout the United States, there are a number of institutions providing services to those looking to get checked for the virus. If anonymous testing is a priority, there are also a number of options so that one can avoid having to ask their family doctor. Read full article[ close ]Your next dental visit might be a good time to get an HIV test. The University of Rochester's Eastman Dental Clinic is now offering free HIV testing to its patients.

Watch the video[ close ]Health experts have urged Zimbabweans to embrace HIV saliva tests, saying they are just as effective as the traditional blood tests. Read full article[ close ]UR Medicine's Eastman Institute for Oral Health has received a grant from New York State to use a rapid screening test for HIV in three of its clinics, based on the success of its smaller pilot program in 2. Read full article[ close ]One out of every two black men who have sex with men, and one in four Hispanic men who have sex with men, will be diagnosed with HIV at some point in their lives if diagnosis rates remain the same, a new analysis released Tuesday by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention shows.

For white men who have sex with men, the rate will be one in 1. CDC said. Read full article[ close ]NEW YORK (AP) — About half of gay and bisexual black men will be diagnosed with the AIDS virus in their lifetime, according to new government estimates. Overall, for the average American, the odds of an HIV infection is 1 in 9. Read full article[ close ]The ASPIRE study, conducted through the National Institutes of Health's Microbicide Trials Network, was led by Dr. Jared Baeten, vice chairman of global health in the UW's School of Public Health. Read full article[ close ]Last year's announcement by actor Charlie Sheen that he had been diagnosed with HIV put renewed attention on the disease that causes AIDS and effects more than 1. U. S. Read full article[ close ]Controversial celebrity Charlie Sheen recently shocked the world by announcing that he was HIV positive, a story that The Inquisitr covered back in November.

But it seems the bombshell Charlie Sheen dropped had such a major impact on the United States that his diagnosis may actually help to raise awareness about the condition. Read full article[ close ]Last year's announcement by actor Charlie Sheen that he had been diagnosed with HIV put renewed attention on the disease that causes AIDS. And one that effects more than 1. U. S., the U. S. Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) said. Read full article[ close ]Top 1. HIV this Valentine's Day.

You may be infected and not know it. In the United States, more than 1.

HIV infection, and almost 1 in 8 are unaware of their infection. People who have HIV can feel, look and act just as healthy as people who don't have HIV. The only way to know for sure is to be tested for HIV. Read full article[ close ]Two years in, the Get Tested Coachella Valley effort continues to see higher rates of positive HIV diagnoses than what's typically considered cost efficient in public health circles.

Read full article[ close ]HIV tests that you can administer to yourself at home are now available. The kits, which promise 9.