Watch The Flight Of The Phoenix Online Earnthenecklace

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Flight of the Phoenix]]: Book 2 Halo Fanon. The Spartan IIIs of Delta Company have established themselves as a powerful military force. Phoenix Team is at their head, blazing an appearance of every boy's dream: courage, honor, skill. But behind the shadows, their true faces will be realized, as they struggle to uncover a plot behind the use of ancient technology, and the purpose behind their very existence. The Spartan sprinted across the flat desert, plasma bolts thudding out from the ridge to either miss or slap harmlessly against his shields. With a mighty leap he soared in to a foxhole, landing right beside several ODSTs.

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Welcome to the party, sir!" Staff Sergeant Dmitri "Zaichata" Zaitsev said, cradling his 9. D- S3 sniper rifle. Good to see you, Zaichata." The Spartan said.

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How you holding up?". Fairly well, sir, aside from those bastards trying to kill us. We could use your help." Dmitri said, slapping a new magazine in to place. Don't worry, Marine. Phoenix is on the job.".

Lieutenant Wings- D3. A particle beam passed right between his legs, heating the sand to red- hotness. Another dive landed him in the hole, right next to another Spartan.

She sighed. "Things aren't what they used to be, are they, sir?". Wings nodded. "Aye, it used to be us sitting pretty in the ridges.". Itzia- D1. 02 poked her head up for a peek, then ducked down as carbine rounds hit her shields.

We're losing men fast. Their positions on the ridge afford them a clear view of the close foxholes, so we can't get in there. Good thing they only seem to have the three snipers, or else they'd gotten you.". Wings lay back for a moment. They'd been fighting for almost a week now, with little sleep in between the bouts of violence. His brain was nearing its limit, and being strained more and more every hour. And reinforcements were days away.

Itzia turned to look at him. No, to family.". Yes, Wings thought.

Things have changed. Chapter 1: Demands. Hours, April 2nd, 2. UNSC Military Calendar)Wings stood at attention, the customary feeling of armor gone, replaced with a dress uniform. The day was warm and humid, not at all fitting for the mood. He stood in the middle of the front row, between Hal- D6.

Nat- D5. 79. 5. It had been one week since the Battle for Mars, in which almost four thousand humans had given their lives. The Covenant had paid dearly for it, losing nearly their entire invading force. Delta Company Spartans had played a vital role in the battle. Twelve total teams of Deltas had fought on Mars, and only lost one member. That was why they were here today.

Carol- D2. 05. 3 was killed by several plasma grenades by surprise, just before the Interspecies Union fleet had arrived and blown the Covenant out of the system. Her casket was the only one at the memorial today, the funeral service having been scheduled last.

Wings had made sure that no press would be there, as he didn't want to make this a public thing. The truth was out now, everyone knew Spartans could die; they were just a lot damn harder to kill. Admiral Andrew Gering had asked if he could attend, but was politely turned down.

So the funeral service was private, and all fifty- three Spartans that had fought on Mars were assembled in ranks, with Phoenix, Hawk, and Badger teams in the front. As the priest finished the prayer, Wings and Nat strode forward and carefully folded the Spartan III Delta Company flag, consisting of the standard UNSC crest, modified with a spear and an old Greek sword crossing behind the eagle.

Underneath them all was the silhouette of a rounded shield, with the words "One life for many" sewn underneath it. Taking the folded flag, Wings carried it to the only family Carol had ever truly known: her team.

Hal took it solemnly. Wings took his place back in line next to Nat, and called out: "Seven gun salute!". Seven Spartans, each one from a different team and holding new BR6.

Battle Rifles set to single shot, stepped forward. Ready!" The seven Spartans raised the rifles.

The casket began its descent in to the ground. Aim!" They aimed down the scopes. Fire!" The shots echoed off the buildings. They repeated the gesture twice more, the casket gave a soft bump as it hit the bottom, the lowering device was removed, and a silence descended. Each Spartan then stepped forward and dumped a single shovelful of dirt in to the hole until it was full. Rio- D9. 73, another member of Hawk, marched forward and set Carol's Mk. VII helmet in to a special slot on the tombstone.

A quiet click was heard, which was a mechanism that would grip the helmet, ensuring that no one would steal it. Watch Unleashed Online Movies24free here. That done, she stepped back in to her rank.

Deltas, dismissed!" Wings ordered, and each Spartan went their own way. They all lingered for a while, not saying anything. But eventually, team by team, began drifting away. Hawk stayed, and Itzia moved towards them. She stopped as a hand gripped her shoulder.

Don't." Zero said. This is their time." Itzia nodded silently, glanced one more time at the three remaining members of Hawk Team, and followed her teammates. X mumbled, mostly to himself, "Man, they have the worst of luck." They were, of course, out of earshot by now. Watch it, Spartan." Zero growled, and X stiffened. Zero wasn't a great leader, but she had an amazing Sergeant's voice.

I'm just saying, sir. They're the only team to have lost more than one member, and both of them by surprise.". He's got a point, Zero." Wings said as they reentered the city and headed for the barracks.

They'd be heading back to New Quebec tomorrow. The team was silent as they marched in to their barracks room and got down to the business of weapons upkeep. Every Spartan needs something to get their mind off death today, Wings thought, feeling the weight of his MCPO insignia clearly. Hours, April 4th, 2. UNSC Military Calendar)"Welcome home, Chief." Ezekiel- 2. I trust your hiatus was pleasant?".

To a point, sir." Wings drew in a breath. We lost Carol.". Ezekiel's jaw tightened. I see." He said flatly. I'm sorry to hear that.". With respect, Hawk needs the sentiment more than I do, sir.". Very well. Dismissed, Chief.".

Wings saluted and went to join his team, who he'd sent off in another direction. He jogged to catch up, and they all walked to their destination together. The bunker doors seemed to be slightly more overgrown by jungle vegetation than last time he'd been here, but the keypad was still operable. Wings punched in the code, and the titanium door hissed and slid open. Welcome back, sirs." A voice said over the speakers, laced with artificial tones.

Thank you, Element." Wings said. Element was the bunker's security AI, programmed by Peec with the best counter- intrusion routines. The walk to their bunk room was only paused by a long, but fast, elevator ride. Their bunk room was fairly plain, made up of five Spartan sized beds, and two weapon lockers and one footlocker for each bed.

At the center of the room was a holo- table. Watch Africa: The Serengeti IMDB. As the team placed their gear in the respective places, Wings went to holo- table and activated it. Five different holographic pads materialized and floated to each Spartan.

New orders from ONI." Wings said, tapping in his code on the solid hologram. We're going to be split for a while. Zero, you've got a sniping mission with 'Antinr, Linda- 0. Dmitri Zaitsev." He paused. You know him, right?".

Zero nodded. "He was on Mars. Damned good sniper. I like him.". "Good." Wings turned to X. You're going on assignment with Tom- B2.

Lucy- B0. 91. Apparently they need a demolitions expert.". The Lone Survivor and the Mute. Will do.". "Itzia, Doctor Halsey sent for you.

No idea why." Wings' eyes flicked from the hologram to Itzia. Phoenix had secretly asked for Halsey's help in curing Wings, who was afflicted with a disease that randomly shut down an organ in his body at random times. It had resulted from Itzia herself directly injecting Cell QX5.

I5. 3PR in to Wings, which did speed up the affected person's neural processes, but had uncontrollable side effects. Peec, you're on further down time.