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Tracing America’s Enslavement To Jewish Bankers. History Articles, Jewish Bankers Articles, America In Decline Articles. B/C 3. 20. TRACING AMERICA’S ENSLAVEMENTTO JEWISH BANKERSBy Brother Nathanael Kapner, Copyright 2. Articles May Be Reproduced Only With Authorship of Br Nathanael Kapner& Link To Real Jew News(SM)Support The Brother Nathanael Foundation! HEREOr Send Your Contribution To: The Brother Nathanael Foundation, PO Box 5. Priest River ID 8.

E- mail: bronathanael@yahoo. DOMINATED BY SEPHARDIC JEWISH BANKERS, the private Bank of England expanded its investments into North America largely through the Hudson Bay Company. View Entire Story. Here, Here & Here. The early American colonists of the 1. Century were beholden to the Bank of England’s Jewish owners — paying taxes from their labor — as repayment for funding the “opportunity” to create a new way of life in the New World. Struggling to be released from the burden of debt to the Bank of England, the colonists established the Massachusetts Bay Company, printing its own home- grown paper money in 1.

Richard Morgan Fliehr (possibly born Fred Phillips; February 25, 1949), better known as Ric Flair, is an American professional wrestling manager and retired. Read about Festivals & events in Rome - Time Out Rome.

Bric à brac. Table des matières première partie Bric à brac - deuxième partie Cliquez sur le numéro de page pour atteindre la page désirée. Some have pointed to the recent events in Germany, Denmark, and across Europe and gently wondered whether Western women are under increased threat.

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In other words, it was a fiat money, rejected by England’s parliament, in a continual conflict with their American subjects regarding taxes and all other debts. By 1. 74. 2, with every colonial Royal Governor instructed to curtail the issue of colonial money, the British Resumption Act required that taxes be paid in gold. This caused a depression in the colonies - property was seized by the Royalists for one- tenth of its value.

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Benjamin Franklin, a supporter of the colonies printing their own money, stated in his autobiography, that the main cause of the Revolutionary War of 1. Stamp Act but King George’s refusal to accept the paper money of his subjects. View Entire Story. Here. By winning the war in 1.

Yet, America remained in debt to the Jewish owners of the Bank of England, which by this time included the Rothschilds, Montefiores, Goldsmids, Mocattas, and the Oppenheimers, (all powerful Jewish families with control of the gold trade), led by Nathan Mayer Rothschild. View Entire Story. Apartment Troubles Full Movie In English here.

Here, Here, Here, Here & Here. The ‘united States,’ in spite of the historical propaganda we are forced- fed with, was NOT free.

A DEBT BURDENED NATIONTHE COLONISTS MAY HAVE WON THE WAR but they were still in bondage to the Jewish Bankers. Reeling under the debt, the united States re- introduced taxes to pay off their Jewish masters. Thus, Alexander Hamilton, agent of international Jewry, pressured Congress to pass the 1. Assumption Act — which created America’s first national bank, the First Bank of America, chartered by the private Bank of England for a term of twenty years — in its plan to control the monies of the so- called “independent” united States. In other words, in creating this bank, America was forced to charter it with the same Jewish bankers that were holding its debts before the “war of independence.”In 1. Bank of England expired.

The struggling new nation refused to renew the charter with its attendant enslavement. In response, England waged war with America in what we now call the War of 1. The Brits invaded Washington DC burning down the White House, the Treasury Department Building, and the Library of Congress. Although “court historians” claim that America “won” the War of 1. The accumulated debt as a result of this war dictated the creation of a new central bank by European financiers.

Thus, in 1. 81. 6, President James Madison was compelled to sign into law the Second Bank of the United States. And again, it was chartered by the private Bank of England which held 8.

And so, America’s enslavement to Jewish bankers continued for yet another 2. FREE AT LAST? FOUR YEARS BEFORE the charter was set to expire in 1. President Andrew Jackson vetoed its renewal putting the Rothschilds and their fellow Jews out of business in America. Jackson not only asserted the unconstitutional minting of US money by private interests but also had the brains to fix the problem.

Although now misunderstood by economists such as Lyndon La. Rouche and associates, for the greater good of America, President Jackson sent federal troops into the states who refused, (albeit indirectly), to pay off the debt to Jewish bankers, forcing those states to collect taxes. View Entire Story. Here, Here, Here & Here. For seventy- seven years, although argued that Jewish financing of America’s railroads and gold trafficking kept the nation under Jewry’s thrall, America was no longer under the heel of Jewish bankers.

Andrew Jackson, remarkably…federal force notwithstanding…paid off the debt. But sadly, to America’s tragedy, in 1. Jewish consortium slavery apparatus, the Federal Reserve Bank, was signed into law by Jewry’s shill in the White House, Woodrow Wilson.

This pawn of the Jews, Wilson, obeying his Jewish masters, imposed the ‘Jew- tax’ upon Americans, the “Income Tax,” to pay for the coming “advances” with accruing interest made to the US government by the Jews of the Federal Reserve. And to this day, the tie between the Federal Reserve and the Central Bank of England under the dictates of international Jewry grows ever stronger with its attendant manipulation of America’s and England’s domestic and foreign policies acting in concert with each other. The chief agitators of America’s new central bank — intimate associates of the Rothschild banking dynasty — were Jewish foreigners who ingratiated themselves into American citizenship: Paul Warburg, his brother Felix, and Jacob Schiff. Testimony to the bank’s abiding Jewish control, today’s Federal Reserve remains dominated by Jews who oversee and fund at interest all the affairs of our tyrannical State. Behind the congressional puppets stands the Money Master — the Jew — sick, neurotic, carnal, haters of Christ, the cause of world unrest ever since Jewry was granted civil authority in Europe during the so- called Enlightenment. In both Alan Greenspan’s and Ben Shalom Bernanke’s chairmanships, as well as in the bank’s locus of power New York branch, Jewish names fill the list of players.

Gentiles placed in high positions of the Fed are simply window dressing designed to drape Jewry’s preponderance and mastery of America’s monetary affairs. View Entire Story. Here. As Thomas Jefferson once said, “Slavery to a military force can be abolished by an opposing force of arms. But a debtor’s enslavement to a creditor, no weapons can overthrow…”__________________________________Support The Brother Nathanael Foundation!

Reasons Why European Women Should Welcome More Migrants – Return Of Kings. Some have pointed to the recent events in Germany, Denmark, and across Europe and gently wondered whether Western women are under increased threat.

Some have even gone so far as to say that women’s odds of being raped have surged as a result of allowing limitless numbers of men to enter their countries and enrich their culture. In this article, I will show why this is false and give three reasons why welcoming several million more migrants is in fact the best possible choice for women. More Dating Options. They can’t wait to meet you.

The demographic make- up of the refugees is overwhelmingly male. About 6. 2% of the 1. Europe in 2. 01. 5 are young, strong, self- confident men. Is it any wonder why women should welcome them?

A little under a quarter, 2. That means that European women have an additional 1 million men for potential consenting sexual partners. Choice is a good thing, and by urging more young men to voyage to Europe women will have more options. Less Patriarchy. They do not support male domination. In our free and open society, these migrants would fit in. They’ve proven to be fans of group sex not only with women, but young males as well. This sort of sexually libertine behavior is healthy for post- sexual revolution modern women. It’s obvious that the patriarchy is a constricting system that suppresses women’s right to express their sexuality.

The migrants have no problem having group sex in a public square with one or more women, signaling that they are not suppressors of female sexuality, but rather benevolent enablers. Allowing more sexually open migrants into the West will allow us to dismantle the patriarchy once and for all. More Respect For Women. Respectful migrant courtship. Of all the regions in the world, by far the most dangerous for women is the modern West.

We have a problem, and it’s called rape culture. One in four women are viciously raped in college, which is why the enrollment numbers for female students is dwindling. At an Ivy League college a woman has a higher chance of being raped on her way to class than she does living to the age of 2. Compared to the only 6,0. Syrian civil war, our colleges are terrifying. The men coming from these lands will follow their religious code of peace and show women more respect, as they have already proven. These men have never trivialized rape. Over the last decade, Syria has experienced a massive rape crisis. One Syrian woman described how a group of Syrian army soldiers had come to her house in Homs, tied up their father and brother, and raped her and her sisters in front of them.

The woman cried as she went on to describe how the soldiers opened their legs and burned their vaginas with cigarettes. We should understand that this is the sort of violence from which migrants are desperately trying to escape. Islam, the religion of peace the migrants follow, is a well- known supporter of women’s rights. If you visit Islamic countries in the Middle East, you will experience a liberated feminist utopia that the West could only dream of. Soon you won’t even need a passport to experience the benefits of this new and exotic culture. Read More: Only White Countries Are Expected To Let In Hordes Of Illegal Migrants.