Scar Full Movie Part 1

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Actors Who Should Play Scar In Lion King. After the massive success of Beauty and the Beast, it seems Disney has the format for live- action remakes of animated movies down pat. Some critics suggest it’s a somewhat lazy approach to filmmaking, but no one can deny the box office numbers. Cinderella and The Jungle Book both raked in millions of dollars worldwide and were quite well- received by critics. Encouraged by yet another winner, Disney now has a full slate of live- action remakes, and perhaps the most anticipated is Jon Favreau’s The Lion King.

While some key casting announcements have already been made, there are still plenty of big roles to fill, including the film’s villain, Scar. Played so memorably by Jeremy Irons in the original, Scar is one of the most iconic Disney villains of all time thanks to his odd charm, his shockingly evil deeds, and the fantastic song “Be Prepared”. Taking over the role will be no easy task. The actor will have to deliver a voice performance matches James Earl Jones’ Mufasa, reaches the same villainous heights Irons in the original, and gives us something new.

Let’s see which actors could go down in the Disney villain Hall of Fame with the 1. Actors Who Could Play Scar In The Lion King Remake! Jeremy Irons. Yes, it’s an obvious choice, but if Favreau is willing to recast James Earl Jones in his iconic role, he has to at least consider asking Irons to return to Pride Rock.

Scar Full Movie Part 1

Scar is a featured article, which means it has been identified as one of the best articles produced by the Disney Wiki community. If you see a way this page can be.

· Bodies Francia Raisa Reveals Scar While Working Out After Donating Kidney to BFF Selena Gomez. By Alexia Fernandez • @alexiafedz. Posted on September 22. · No longer a boy hero, a grown-up Daniel Radcliffe is coming to Broadway in the revival of “Equus.”. FALCON #1 RODNEY BARNES (W) • JOSHUA CASSARA (A) Cover by JESúS SAIZ LH Variant Cover by ELIZABETH TORQUE Legacy Headshot Cover by MIKE MCKONE. Oscar Juliuss Grant III (February 27, 1986 – January 1, 2009) lived in Hayward, California. He worked as a butcher at Farmer Joe's Marketplace in Oakland's Dimond.

Scar Full Movie Part 1

And you wouldn’t hear many people complaining either. Irons completely owned the role of Scar, giving one of the greatest performances in an animated film. His sophisticated and delicate vocals played perfectly off of Jones’ booming voice. Under Irons’ performance, Scar became that ideal on- screen villain who you hate for the things he does, but are somehow charmed by him as well. Irons specializes in playing deliciously evil characters, so he’s exercised his Scar muscles many times of the years. However, seeing as Favreau already brought Jones back for the remake, it’s unlikely we’ll see Irons back in the role of Scar.

If he did come back as well, we’d start to question why they don’t just bring the whole original cast back. Then we’d start to wonder why they’re making the movie at all. We all know he can play the role but it might be time for a new take on Scar. Mads Mikkelsen. You really can’t talk about casting a villain these days without at least considering Mads Mikkelsen.

Scar Full Movie Part 1

While he seems like a perfectly nice person in real life, there’s a distinct creepy, menacing quality to him on screen that makes him an obvious go- to to play baddies. He’s played memorable antagonists to such on- screen heroes as James Bond and Doctor Strange. He even did the impossible by playing a version of Hannibal Lecter that rivaled Anthony Hopkins’ iconic performance. Mikkelsen certainly has the look of a villain, and even sported an eye scar in Casino Royale that was quite similar to the villainous lion.

Scar Full Movie Part 1

A funny list porno movie names. A Beautiful Behind Womb Raider Schindler's Fist Shaving Ryan's Privates. Growing up as a kid who loved comic books, I spent many an afternoon running around the park pretending to be a superhero fighting all manners of evil. Fun as it was. Scar is an adult male lion who succeeds Mufasa as the king of Pride Rock. Scar has a hand-chosen. Snowfall Story Of A Scar Review. Snowfall: Season 1, Episode 9: Story of a Scar abandons the humorous elements of the preceding episode but easily proves to be the. The Scarred Man (傷の男, Kizu no Otoko), known more casually as "Scar" (スカー, Suka), is a nameless.

But even just his voice can be intimidating enough on its own. His unusual Danish accent mixed with the cool and calm style of his delivery can be quite unnerving. Mikkelsen would certain give audiences a much different take on Scar. Whereas the original version was big and flamboyant, Mikkelsen’s Scar would likely be a quieter, more calculating menace, which could supply an extra bit of darkness to the film. Though it might be a bit too frightening for kids.

James Spader. There are many factors that should be considered in the casting of Scar, but one of the most important aspects is an interesting voice. It needs to be that kind of fascinating voice we could listen to for hours, yet still be menacing at the same time. James Spader fits these specifications to a T.

We might not have included Spader on the list of actors with those hypnotic voices were it not for Avengers: Age of Ultron. He was perfectly cast as the villainous robot and his performance was one of the highlights of that film.

Ultron actually shares a lot in common with Scar, which suggests that Spader would similarly knock this part out of the park. He’s intelligent yet petulant, with a sort of sassy sense of humor. Going for the sort of laid- back, disarmingly mellow type of performance that Spader does so well would be a really fun take on the character. Ralph Fiennes. While Ralph Fiennes has built an eclectic career out of a variety of roles, he also has an unusual number of iconic film villains on his filmography.

Voldemort, Hades, Amon Goeth— each a terrifying performance that proves he can create a compelling villain in his sleep. Fiennes has that similar aristocratic, British gentleman voice which served Irons so well when he played Scar. Some of the best cinematic villains have that juxtaposition between having a refined manner while doing terrible things, making for a more fascinating characterization. Fiennes could certainly give us that kind of interesting performance while also giving us something new. Fiennes has recently been shining in more humorous roles. He nearly stole the show in In Bruges as an ethical yet short- tempered mobster and he was hilarious as a cultured buffoon in The Grand Budapest Hotel. If he were to bring some of that humor to the role of Scar it could make for a very different and interesting version of the character.

Tilda Swinton. There’s no rule saying that the character has to remain a male. Watch Far From The Madding Crowd Vioz. Favreau did this quite effectively in The Jungle Book in casting Scarlett Johansson as the hypnotic snake Kaa. So if you’re going to cast a female as Scar, you might as well consider one of the best actress around; Tilda Swinton. Swinton is known for such acclaimed roles in We Need to Talk About Kevin and Michael Clayton, but recently she has been embracing some more mainstream projects.

No matter the size of the film, Swinton always seems to bring something interesting and unique to each of her roles. It would be thrilling to see what she could do with Scar, especially when the relationship with Mufasa is changed from two brothers to brother and sister. Watch Juice Online Hulu. While we haven’t seen much of her voice work, Swinton does have that refined British accent that seems to fit the character so well. She has also proven she can be a very compelling villain in the Chronicles of Narnia series. While not the typical choice, there’s little doubt Swinton would be as awesome in the role as she always is in every role.

Michael Keaton. Of course, while Jeremy Irons’ rich British voice is very linked in our minds to Scar, there’s no reason the actor who portrays him in the remake can’t be an American. Regardless of their accent, we just want someone who can deliver an effective and interesting villain performance – and Michael Keaton can certainly do that. After all these years and dozens of amazing performances, it’s hard not to separate Keaton from the heroic role in Batman, but he’s actually shown he can be a very fun bad guy. From Beetlejuice to Desperate Measures and even the upcoming Spider- Man: Homecoming, Keaton does great with those unhinged baddies. Whereas the original Scar was a plotting evil genius, Keaton’s Scar could be more of a smarmy, conman- type whose not above stepping over anyone to gain a powerful position. This could be an very fun take on the character and would really let Keaton shine in the role. Christoph Waltz. Like Mads Mikkelsen, Christoph Waltz seems to be at the top of every casting director’s list when looking for a villain.