Leprechaun: Back 2 Tha Hood Full Movie In English

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Worst Sequels (According To Rotten Tomatoes)Where would Hollywood be without sequels? A lot poorer, for starters. Even as far back as cinema’s silent era, audiences have perennially clamored for the return of favorite characters in beloved franchises. Clearly, the modern box office continues to support this trend. Of the 2. 0 top- grossing films of 2. Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. Cars 3 and War for the Planet of the Apes), while another four can at least be counted as continuations of larger stories already in progress (e.

Wonder Woman as part of the DCEU, Split with its character links to Unbreakable). Still, there are those occasions when the film industry simply doesn’t know when to quit. Major stars refuse to return, a story and its characters have exhausted all narrative possibilities, box office returns from previous series entries have plummeted dramatically — whatever the reason, there are ample warning signs that the plug should be pulled, and yet studios go ahead and make the movie anyway. In those instances, the sequels are often met with audience indifference and/or critical derision. Many of these flimsy follow- ups end up on the compilation site Rotten Tomatoes sporting a 0% score. Here, then, are those filmic bottom feeders — The 1.

Worst Sequels Ever (According To Rotten Tomatoes). LOOK WHO’S TALKING NOW! After starring in several costly flops, John Travolta bounced back with 1. Look Who’s Talking, a robust hit whose hook was that it allowed audiences to hear the inner thoughts of a baby named Mikey (voiced by Bruce Willis). Kirstie Alley played Mikey’s mom, Travolta co- starred as her boyfriend, and the film was popular enough to convince writer- director Amy Heckerling to return with 1. Watch Cowboys &Amp; Aliens Online.

Look Who’s Talking Too. Despite reuniting the three principal cast members and adding Roseanne Barr as the voice of Mikey’s sister, the box office was down significantly. Still, this didn’t prevent the studio from bankrolling 1. Look Who’s Talking Now!

Heckerling, Willis, and Barr bailed on this installment, leaving Travolta and Alley holding the bag of dirty diapers. In this outing, the kids are now old enough to speak for themselves, so the focus shifts to the conversations between two mutts (voiced by Diane Keaton and Danny De. Vito). The Look Who’s Talking series was never mistaken for high art, but with this wretched installment, it decisively went to the dogs. LEPRECHAUN 2. Of the six Leprechaun films starring Warwick Davis as the murderous sprite, half sport a 0% rating on Rotten Tomatoes. Yet of those three, only one was made for theatrical release (the others went straight to video). That would be 1. 99.

The Saved from Development Hell trope as used in popular culture. Development Hell is what some works go through if there's too much Executive Meddling. The first trailer made its way on the internet today, and you see Scott’s character contemplating the fact that his six-year-old stepson might be the Antichrist. Tracy Lauren Marrow (born February 16, 1958), better known by his stage name Ice-T, is an American musician, rapper, songwriter, actor, record executive, record.

But now, Subway wants to put stupid touchscreen kiosks in its restaurants. They look like the ones you use to get tickets at the movie theater, except sandwich-related.

Leprechaun: Back 2 Tha Hood Full Movie In English

Leprechaun 2, the first follow- up to the modest 1. Jennifer Aniston in her film debut. Aside from Davis, no one from the first film returned for the second installment, which concerns the efforts of the Leprechaun to force an unwilling young woman to be his wife. It’s safe to say that nobody has ever confused this witless movie with Bride of Frankenstein, despite similar storylines about a monster seeking a mate. Incidentally, the other series entries with 0% are 1. Leprechaun 3 and 1.

Leprechaun: Back 2 Tha Hood Full Movie In English

Leprechaun 4: In Space. Surprisingly, it’s actually the later sequels that have the best rankings (comparatively speaking): 2. Leprechaun in the Hood (co- starring Ice- T) with 3.

Leprechaun: Back to tha Hood (co- starring Sticky Fingaz) with 2. JAWS: THE REVENGESteven Spielberg’s 1. Jaws was such a monstrous hit that a wave of sequels was inevitable.

Despite the flaws inherent in 1. Jaws 2 and especially 1. Jaws 3- D, neither film could compete with the sheer inanity of 1. Jaws: The Revenge. Promoted with the tagline, “This Time It’s Personal,” the movie finds the widowed Ellen Brody (Lorraine Gary) convinced that she’s being stalked by a shark seeking vengeance on the entire Brody clan. Michael Caine, who appears as a heroic pilot, has always been brutally honest when it comes to admitting which movies he made purely for the sake of a paycheck.

It was his involvement with Jaws: The Revenge that led to his greatest quip on the matter: “I have never seen it, but by all accounts, it is terrible. However, I have seen the house that it built, and it is terrific.”1. RETURN TO THE BLUE LAGOONArriving 1.

The Blue Lagoon, 1. Return to the Blue Lagoon served up basically the exact same plot. Two infants are stranded on a lush island with an adult guardian; the grownup eventually dies, leaving the boy and the girl to fend for themselves. As they age and mature (Milla Jovovich and Brian Krause play the pair as teenagers), they discover dangers inherent on the island but mainly pass the days dealing with their burgeoning sexuality. Return to the Blue Lagoon really isn’t any worse than its predecessor, but whereas that 1. Brooke Shields, this follow- up was a notorious flop and did little to advance the film career of former model Jovovich, who would have to wait for otherprojects before breaking out. The Blue Lagoon also has managed to secure an 1.

Rotten Tomatoes — horrible, to be sure, but still preferable to Return’s 0%. DEATH WISH V: THE FACE OF DEATHBruce Willis, star of five Die Hard flicks, will soon be headlining a remake of 1.

Death Wish, a franchise that also lasted five films. Watch My Name Is Khan Online Hulu there. Yet unlike Die Hard, which only completely bottomed out with that awful fifth entry, Death Wish headed south immediately after the provocative original.

Charles Bronson stars in all five films, playing a mid- mannered architect who becomes a vigilante after tragedy strikes his family. While the 1. 97. 4 original was wrapped in controversy surrounding its message and its morality, it at least made thematic sense, with Bronson’s Paul Kersey motivated by the murder of his wife and rape of his daughter. The sequels were little more than exploitation romps, and the frequency with which Kersey’s friends and relatives were being terrorized was flat- out ludicrous. The reviews aimed at 1. Death Wish II, 1. Death Wish 3 and 1.

Death Wish 4: The Crackdown were all blistering, but the worst were reserved for 1. Death Wish V: The Face of Death, which is so rote and by- the- numbers that even Bronson looks bored. KING KONG LIVESProducer Dino de Laurentiis’ 1. King Kong may have received a mixed reception from critics, but it proved to be a hit with audiences. Clearly not understanding the adage of striking while the iron is hot, de Laurentiis waited an entire decade before getting around to making the sequel. Consequently, 1. 98.

King Kong Lives failed with both reviewers and moviegoers. That delay actually plays into the plot, as the film reveals that Kong survived his plunge off the World Trade Center and has since been in a coma. To revive the great ape on the 1.

Linda Hamilton) states that he needs both a blood transfusion and a heart transplant. The former comes courtesy of an oversized female gorilla that conveniently has just been located in Borneo. Watch Fugitive Pieces HD 1080P more. The latter comes courtesy of a gigantic artificial heart, installed during a sequence that stands among the most laughable in all Kong flicks. THE BAD NEWS BEARS GO TO JAPANThe Bad News Bears proved to be quite an audience favorite in 1.

Walter Matthau aptly cast as the boozy coach of an underachieving Little League baseball team and Tatum O’Neal and Jackie Earle Haley as the outfit’s best players. Of the three actors, only Haley returned for the two sequels. The 1. 97. 7 mediocrity The Bad News Bears in Breaking Training concerned the efforts of Haley’s character to convince his estranged dad (William Devane) to coach the outfit. Yet the series reached its nadir with 1.

The Bad News Bears Go to Japan, with Tony Curtis as a small- time huckster who decides to pay off his debts by arranging a nationally televised game between the Bears and a formidable Japanese team. As if two sorry sequels weren’t enough, The Bad News Bears also had to suffer the indignity of a short- lived 1. TV sitcom (with an 8- year- old Corey Feldman as one of the kids) and a feeble 2. Billy Bob Thornton.