Gertie The Dinosaur Full Movie Part 1

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Little Nemo (1. 91. Wikipedia. Little Nemo. Little Nemo and the Princess ride away in the mouth of a dragon. Directed by. Winsor Mc. Cay. Release date. April 8, 1. 91. 1 (1. Running time. 11: 3.

Gertie The Dinosaur Full Movie Part 1

Country. United States. Language. Silent with English intertitles. Little Nemo, also known as Winsor Mc. Cay: The Famous Cartoonist of the N. Y. Herald and His Moving Comics, is a 1. American cartoonist Winsor Mc.

Gertie The Dinosaur Full Movie Part 1

Cay. One of the earliest animated films, it was Mc. Cay's first, and featured characters from Mc. Cay's comic strip Little Nemo in Slumberland.

Its expressive character animation distinguished the film from the experiments of earlier animators. Inspired by flip books his son brought home, Mc. Cay came to see the potential of the animated film medium. He claimed to be the first to make such films, though James Stuart Blackton and Émile Cohl were among those who preceded him.

The short's four thousand drawings on rice paper were shot at Vitagraph Studios under Blackton's supervision. Most of the film's running time is made up of a live- action sequence in which Mc. Cay bets his colleagues that he can make drawings that move. He wins the bet with four minutes of animation in which the Little Nemo characters perform, interact, and metamorphose to Mc. Cay's whim. Little Nemo debuted in movie theaters on April 8, 1. Mc. Cay began using it as part of his vaudeville act.

Its good reception motivated him to hand- color each of the animated frames of the originally black- and- white film. The film's success led Mc. Cay to devote more time to animation. He followed up Little Nemo with How a Mosquito Operates in 1. Gertie the Dinosaur, in 1. Background[edit]Winsor Mc. Cay (c. 1. 86. 7–7.

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Dream of the Rarebit Fiend (1. Little Nemo in Slumberland (1. In 1. 90. 6, Mc. Cay began performing on the vaudeville circuit, doing chalk talk performances in which he drew before live audiences. Inspired by flip books his son Robert brought home, Mc. Cay said he "came to see the possibility of making moving pictures" of his cartoons.

Mc. Cay, then in his early forties, asserted he was "the first man in the world to make animated films", but he was likely familiar with the earlier work of American James Stuart Blackton and the French Émile Cohl. In 1. 90. 0, Blackton produced The Enchanted Drawing, a trick film in which an artist interacts with a drawing on an easel.

Considered McCay's masterpiece, Little Nemo in Slumberland debuted in October 1905 as a full-page Sunday strip in the New York Herald. Its child protagonist, whose. Huey, Dewey, and Louie are young, anthropomorphic white duck triplets who are the nephews of. Dig superheroes, do you? Well, you’ve come to the wrong list. Burton And Taylor Full Movie Online Free. The VES ignored the new wave of men in tights completely, singling out only Superman: The Movie from 1978.

Blackton used chalk drawings in 1. Humorous Phases of Funny Faces, and used stop motion techniques to animate a scene in the 1. The Haunted Hotel. Cohl's films, such as 1. Fantasmagorie, were dreamlike nonnarrative pieces in which characters and scenes continually changed shape.

Cohl's films were first distributed in the United States in 1. Mc. Cay said he first became interested in animation. According to Mc. Cay biographer John Canemaker, Mc. Cay combined the interactive qualities of Blackton's films with the abstract, shapeshifting qualities of Cohl's into his own films. In the films of all three, the artist interacts with the animation.

Little Nemo[edit]Considered Mc. Cay's masterpiece,Little Nemo in Slumberland debuted in October 1. Sunday strip in the New York Herald. Its child protagonist, whose appearance was based on Mc. Cay's son Robert, had fabulous dreams that would be interrupted with his awakening in the last panel.

Mc. Cay experimented with timing and pacing, the form of the comics page, the size and shape of panels, perspective, and architectural and other details. The strip has seen a number of other adaptations. An extravagant $1.

Little Nemo stage show with score by Victor Herbert and lyrics by Harry B. Smith played to sold- out audiences in 1. A joint American- Japanese feature- length film Little Nemo: Adventures in Slumberland appeared in 1. Ray Bradbury, Chris Columbus, and Moebius. Little Nemo: The Dream Master was a 1. Synopsis[edit]Following credits proclaiming Mc. Cay as "The Famous Cartoonist of the New York Herald" and "the first artist to attempt drawing pictures that will move", Mc.

Cay sits in a restaurant with a group of colleagues, cartoonist George Mc. Manus, actor John Bunny and publisher Eugene V. Brewster among them.

Mc. Cay bets the group that in one month he can make 4. The group laughs and gestures that he is drunk or crazy. Mc. Cay sets to work in a studio where he directs workers to move around bundles of paper and barrels of ink. A month later, Mc.

Cay gathers his colleagues in front of a film projector. Mc. Cay rapidly sketches characters from the cast of his Little Nemo comic strip.

Mc. Cay places a drawing of the character Flip in a wooden slot in front of the camera. The words "Watch me move" appear above Flip's head, and he begins to make gestures while smoking his cigar. Blocks fall from the sky and assemble themselves into the character Impie, and the pair's figures distort, disappear, and reappear, before a fantastically- dressed Little Nemo magically materializes. Nemo prevents the two others from fighting and takes control of their forms—he stretches and squashes them with the raising and lowering of his arms. Nemo then draws the Princess and brings her to animated life.

He gives her a rose which has suddenly grown nearby, just as a gigantic dragon appears. The pair seat themselves on a throne in the dragon's mouth and wave to the audience as the dragon carries them away.

Flip and Impie attempt to follow the dragon in a jalopy, but the car explodes and sends them into the air. Doctor Pill arrives to help, but cannot find anyone until Flip and Impie land on him. The pair try to help the doctor to his feet when the animation freezes. The camera zooms out to reveal the serial number "No. Production[edit]By late 1.

Mc. Cay had made the 4. Each was assigned a serial number, and marks were made in the top corners for registration. They were mounted on sheets of cardboard to make them easier to handle and photograph. Before he had them photographed, he tested them on a hand- cranked 2. Mutoscope- like machine to ensure the animation was fluid. Photography was done at the Vitagraph Studios under the supervision of Blackton.

The animated portion took up about four minutes of the film's total length. In only one sequence did Mc. Cay use an animation loop for a repeated action: he re- used a series of seven drawings six times (three forward, three back) to have Flip move his cigar up and down in his mouth three times. Mc. Cay made more extensive use of this technique in his later films. Winsor Mc. Cay sketches three of his Little Nemo characters: Impie, Nemo, and Flip. Mc. Cay's drawings are in the heavily outlined Art Nouveau style familiar to the readers of his comics.

Its expressive character animation differentiated Little Nemo from the films of Blackton and Cohl. There are no backgrounds; Mc. Cay's first film with backgrounds was 1. Gertie the Dinosaur.

Mc. Cay demonstrated his mastery of linear perspective in scenes such as when the dragon disappears smoothly into the distance. The film's positive reception motivated Mc. Cay to hand- color each of the 3. The dragon chariot that carries off Nemo and the Princess originally appeared in three episodes of Little Nemo in Slumberland in mid- 1. Academic Mark Winokur noted racial hierarchies in the Little Nemo strip and film.

The Anglo- Saxon Nemo is depicted as "most human", while the Irish Flip is drawn as a minstrel caricature, and the mute African Impie is most grotesquely caricatured. Nemo, at the top of this hierarchy, exerts his authority over the other characters, as when he distorts them with magic. Reception and legacy[edit]Distributed by Vitagraph, the film debuted in theaters on April 8, 1. Mc. Cay included the film as part of his vaudeville act beginning April 1. Little Nemo was popular with audiences and earned positive reviews.

Film magazine The Moving Picture World called Nemo "an admirable piece of work .. Little Nemo is known everywhere." The Morning Telegraph called Mc. Cay's new film- enhanced act "even a greater go than his previous one", and put Mc.

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