Fire Birds Full Movie Part 1

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Great fire of Smyrna - Wikipedia. Great fire of Smyrna. Plumes of smoke rising from Smyrna on 1. Barking Water Full Movie In English here. September 1. 92. 2Date. September 1. 92. 2Location. Smyrna (today Izmir, Turkey)Also known as. Catastrophe of Smyrna.

Fire Birds Full Movie Part 1Fire Birds Full Movie Part 1

Fire Birds (originally titled Wings of the Apache and released internationally under that name) is a 1990 action-thriller film directed by David Green and produced by. Download free full unlimited movies! There are millions of movies, videos and TV shows you can download direct to your PC. From Action, Horror, Adventure, Children. Katniss Everdeen and Peeta Mellark become targets of the Capitol after their victory in the 74th Hunger Games sparks a rebellion in the Districts of Panem.

Outcome. Exodus of the Greek and Armenian population of the city and destruction of their quarters. The Great fire of Smyrna or the Catastrophe of Smyrna[1][2] (Greek: Καταστροφή της Σμύρνης, "Smyrna Catastrophe"; Turkish: 1.

Yangını, "1. 92. 2 Izmir Fire"; Armenian: Զմիւռնիոյ Մեծ Հրդեհ, Zmyuṙno Mets Hrdeh) destroyed much of the port city of Smyrna (modern İzmir, Turkey) in September 1. Eyewitness reports state that the fire began on 1. September 1. 92. 2[3] and lasted until it was largely extinguished on 2. September. It occurred four days after the Turkish forces regained control of the city on 9 September 1.

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Greco- Turkish War in the field, more than three years after the Greek army had landed troops at Smyrna on 1. May 1. 91. 9. Estimated Greek and Armenian deaths resulting from the fire range from 1. Approximately 5. 0,0. Greek and Armenian refugees crammed the waterfront to escape from the fire. They were forced to remain there under harsh conditions for nearly two weeks. Turkish troops and irregulars had started committing massacres and atrocities against the Greek and Armenian population in the city before the outbreak of the fire. Many women were raped.[1.

Tens of thousands of Greek and Armenian men (estimates vary between 2. Anatolia, where many of them died in harsh conditions.[1. The subsequent fire completely destroyed the Greek and Armenian quarters of the city; the Muslim and Jewish quarters escaped damage.[1. There are different accounts and eyewitness reports about who was responsible for the fire; a number of sources and scholars attribute it to Turkish soldiers setting fire to Greek and Armenian homes and businesses.[1. Traditional Turkish sources hold that the Greeks and Armenians started the fire for damaging the Turks reputation.[1. Testimonies from western eyewitnesses[2.

Background[edit]The ratio of Christian population to Muslim population remains a matter of dispute, but the city was a multicultural and cosmopolitan center until September 1. Different sources claim either Greeks or Turks as constituting the majority in the city. According to Katherine Elizabeth Flemming, in 1. Greeks in Smyrna numbered 1. Turks by a ratio of two to one.[2. Alongside Turks and Greeks, there were sizeable Armenian, Jewish, and Levantine communities in the city.

According to Trudy Ring, before World War I the Greeks alone numbered 1. Armenians and other Christians.[2. According to the Ottoman census of 1. Muslims, 7. 3,6. 36 Orthodox Christians, 1. Armenian Christians, and 2. Muslims compared to 8.

Orthodox Christians.[2. According to the U. S. Ambassador to the Ottoman Empire at the time, Henry Morgenthau, more than half of Smyrna's population was Greek.[2. The American Consul General in Smyrna at the time, George Horton, wrote that before the fire there were 4.

Smyrna, of whom 1. Turks, 1. 50,0. 00 were Greeks, 2. Jews, 2. 5,0. 00 were Armenians, and 2. Italians, 3,0. 00 French, 2,0.

British, and 3. 00 Americans.[2. Most of the Greeks and Armenians were Christians.[citation needed]Moreover, according to various scholars, prior to the war, the city was a center of more Greeks than lived in Athens, the capital of Greece.[2. The Ottomans of that era referred to the city as Infidel Smyrna (Gavur Izmir) due to the numerous Greeks and the large non- Muslim population.[2. Entry of the Turkish Army[edit]. The start of the fire, seen from Bella Vista.

September 1. 92. 2As the last Greek troops evacuated Smyrna on the evening of Friday 8 September, the first elements of Mustafa Kemal's forces, a Turkish cavalry squadron, made its way into the city from the northern tip of the quay the following morning, establishing their headquarters at the main government building called Konak.[3. Military command was first assumed by Mürsel Pasha and then Nureddin Pasha, General of the Turkish First Army. At the outset, the Turkish occupation of the city was orderly. Though the Armenian and Greek inhabitants viewed their entry with trepidation, they reasoned that the presence of the Allied fleet would discourage any violence against the Christian community. On the morning of September 9, no fewer than twenty- one Allied warships lay at anchor in Smyrna's harbor, including the British flagship battleship HMS Iron Duke and her sister King George V, along with their escort of cruisers and destroyers under the command of Admiral Osmond Brock, the American destroyers USS Litchfield, Simpson, and Lawrence (later joined by the Edsall), three French cruisers and two destroyers under the command of Admiral Dumesnil, and an Italian cruiser and destroyer.[4. As a precaution, sailors and marines from the Allied fleet were landed ashore to guard their respective diplomatic compounds and institutions with strict orders of maintaining neutrality in the event that violence would break out between the Turks and the Christians.[4. As it happened, on 9 September, order and discipline began to break down among the Turkish troops, who began systematically to target the Armenian population, pillaging their shops, looting their homes, separating the men from the women and carrying away and sexually assaulting the latter.[4.

The Greek Orthodox Metropolitan bishop, Chrysostomos, was tortured and hacked to death by a Turkish mob in full view of French soldiers, who were prevented from intervening by their commanding officer, and much to Admiral Dumesnil's approval.[4. Refuge was sought wherever possible, including Paradise, where the American quarter was located, and the European quarters.

Some were able to take shelter at the American Collegiate Institute and other institutions, despite strenuous efforts to turn away those seeking help by the Americans and Europeans, who were anxious not to antagonize or harm their relations with the leaders of the Turkish National movement. Victims of the massacres committed by the Turkish army and irregulars were also foreign citizens. On 9 September, Dutch merchant Otto de Jongh and his wife were murdered by the Turkish cavalry,[4. British doctor was beaten to death in his home, while trying to prevent the rape of a servant girl.[4.

Burning[edit]. Buildings on fire and people trying to escape. The first fire broke out in the late afternoon of 1. September, four days after the Turkish Army had entered the city.[4. The blaze began in the Armenian quarter of the city (Now borough of Basmane), and spread quickly due to the windy weather and the fact that no effort was made to put it out.[5.

According to author Giles Milton: One of the first people to notice the outbreak of fire was Miss Minnie Mills, the director of the American Collegiate Institute for Girls. She had just finished her lunch when she noticed that one of the neighboring buildings was burning. She stood up to have a closer look and was shocked by what she witnessed. I saw with my own eyes a Turkish officer enter the house with small tins of petroleum or benzine and in a few minutes the house was in flames." She was not the only one at the institute to see the outbreak of fire. Our teachers and girls saw Turks in regular soldiers' uniforms and in several cases in officers' uniforms, using long sticks with rags at the end which were dipped in a can of liquid and carried into houses which were soon burning."Others, such as Claflin Davis of the American Red Cross and Monsieur Joubert, director of the Credit Foncier Bank of Smyrna, also witnessed the Turks putting buildings to the torch. When the latter asked the soldiers what they were doing, "They replied impassively that they were under orders to blow up and burn all the houses of the area." The city's fire brigade did its best to combat the fires but by Wednesday September 1.

Two firemen from the brigade, a Sgt. Watch Hide Online Hulu.