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Amelia Earhart And The Irene Bolam Connection. Welcome To Protecting Earhart's 'Irene- Amelia. The landmark information about Amelia Earhart this website presents is incontrovertible. Eighty. years ago, Amelia Earhart and Fred Noonan disappeared while flying around the world.

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This website displays the most important. Amelia's. last flight and its unplanned outcome. Irene- Amelia. com previews the results of a comprehensive forensic analysis featured. Protecting Earhart.] [Protecting Earhart U. S. Copyright Office. Registration Number: TXu 1- 9.

Information and Articles About Amelia Earhart, a famous woman in history Amelia Earhart Facts Born July 24, 1897, Atchison, Kansas Died July 2, 1937, near Howland. “The Babadook: how the horror movie monster became a gay icon”- The Guardian “The Secret Gay History of the Babadook”- “People Are Dressing Up As.

About Truth.."All truth passes through three stages. First. it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self- evident."Arthur Schopenhauer~~~"With the case of Amelia. Earhart's disappearance, the vast majority of Twentieth Century attempts made to explain her loss obfuscated what actually.

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  1. Protecting Earhart examines The Mystery of Amelia Earhart using authentic research data. It explores the expressed knowledge of investigative researchers from the.
  2. The University of Alabama interactive campus map, with driving directions and building information.
  3. Laurie David, producer: I was working on this issue myself, largely with the Natural Resources Defense Council. When the movie The Day After Tomorrow came out, I was.

Protecting Earhart's Tod Swindell, 2. Protecting. Earhart devoted two decades to examining the hardest unanswered questions about Amelia Earhart's controversial disappearance. If you are interested in learning about its findings, and the mind- boggling 'triplicate- saga' of the enigmatic Irene Bolam. Above: The enigmatic, 'Gervais- Irene Bolam'.

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Jamaica in 1. 97. The. age- old controversy about her true past was buried by obfuscation.~~~"After the controversy about her first became a national news story in 1. Irene Bolam' really was continued. For those who tracked it closest, in the new millennium. Irene Bolam' identity. Amelia Earhart somehow survived her storied disappearance and the World War Two years to end up as one of them.

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While. different viewpoint maintaining, 'Earhart mystery solving theorists' still dispute this now obvious reality, it is. It is only a matter of time before. Charles Lindbergh's later- life 'Careu Kent' false- identity truth. Protecting Earhart's Tod Swindell, 2.

Amelia Full Movie In English

Below: The Gervais- Irene. Bolam. Below: One of the groundbreaking forensic.

Amelia Full Movie In English

Protecting Earhart in the new millenniumrevealed three different women who were attributed. Irene' identity in the Twentieth Century: ~~~"As far as the dated 'missing person. Amelia Earhart is concerned, we have arrived at a place where the accumulated body of evidence is too substantial. Protecting Earhart's Tod Swindell ~~~On the Findings of Protecting Earhart..

Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence.". TIGHAR's Richard Gillespie "Irene- Amelia. It's a recognizable truth supported by extraordinary evidence." Protecting Earhart's.

Tod Swindell~~~The Twenty- Year Journey of Protecting Earhart. From the mid- 1. 99.

Protecting Earhart analyzed and expanded on the previous investigative research of Paul Briand, Joe Gervais. Fred Goerner, Vincent Loomis, Randall Brink, Donald Moyer Wilson, and Rollin Reineck. Each devoted. decades to unconvering the non- conveyed realities of Amelia Earhart's last flight, with their individual efforts resulting. After the first wave of books about Amelia Earhart's last flight came out, some. Amelia Earhart mystery scene. Although. their individual determinations about what happened to Amelia fell short, all of them deserve credit for the work they did. Here are six of the more prominent theorists from the recent past:  In the 1.

Elgen Long started what he would later. Nauticos' in order to promote the idea that Amelia simply crashed and sank. Howland Island, and that was it. With Nauticos, Elgen headed many expeditions to look for Amelia's plane deep underwater. Howland. In the late 1. Richard Gillespie started his.

TIGHAR to promote the idea that Amelia died as a castaway on Nikumaroro Island. Phoenix Islands group hundreds of miles south of the Equator. Richard Gillespie headed many expeditions to. Amelia's plane and her remains under the umbrella of his TIGHAR organization, AKA, 'The International Group for Historic. Aircraft Recovery.'  In 1. Bill Prymak started the Amelia Earhart Society. Amelia was picked up by Japan in the Marshall Islands, she later died on Saipan while in Japan's custody.

From the 1. 98. 0s to the 2. Mr. Prymak traveled to the Marshall Islands time and again to conduct interviews, a few times.

Amelia Earhart historian, Joe Gervais, whose own research findings led him to conclude that Amelia. Irene.' Joe Gervais died in 2. Bill Prymak died in 2.

In. the 2. 00. 0s, brushed- up theorist, Mike Campbell befriended the Amelia Earhart Society's, Bill Prymak. Taking advantage of Prymak's. AES research, he picked up where Bill left off to promote how Amelia died according to Thomas Devine's earlier claim, that. Amelia was executed by Japan's military on Saipan. He wrote and self- published a book about it called, Amelia Earhart. The Truth At Last, issued in 2.

Woody. Peard, an Amelia Earhart theorist knowledgeable of Japanese culture during the World War Two era, asserted that Amelia was. Japan's military on the Island of Taroa in an incredibly macabre way, and that the event was filmed and surreptitiously. Washington DC. In May of 1. Assistant Secretary of the Treasury, Stephen Gibbons said about Earhart's loss. We have evidence that the thing is all over. Sure, terrible. It would be awful to make it public..," Mr. Peard. suggested Japan's filmed execution of Amelia Earhart was possibly what he referred to.

Others maintained it was the withheld. Amelia's "last few minutes" notated in the same transcript where Gibbons' "we. Over time a variety of rumors came to exist describing. Amelia Earhart might have died while in Japan's custody. Conveyances of a mysterious illness, executions in. Marshall Islands or on Saipan, and a slow death in a rat invested prison cell led the charge. Here, though, it's important.

Japan denied ever 'harming' Amelia Earhart and the United States never accused it of such a thing. No matter. Ukranian Physicist, Dr. Alex Mandel (shown above) is perhaps the most passionate advocate of the suggestion of Amelia having. Saipan while in Japan's custody.

Dr. Mandel offered that Amelia was executed by Japan, admitting at the same time. Still, Dr. Mandel's certainty left him enlisting Mike.

Campbell's help, that led to the two of them presenting a co- written dissertation at the Amelia Earhart Festival in Atchison. Kansas in 2. 01. 2, that overtly campaigned against Protecting Earhart's findings, and any other possibility of Amelia. Earhart's continued survival in Japan's custody after she was picked up by its Imperial Naval Authority. Even though no REAL. Amelia's death occurring in Japan's custody, for the past decade.

Dr. Mandel and Mike Campbell have continued to inist that Amelia died on Saipan while in its charge, and the knowledge of. United States and Japanese governments. Two Additional Opposing Theorists. You Decide... James Jess Hannon, shown above, served in World War. Two as an OSS Army Lieutenant. He relayed his, 'Amelia Earhart survival' account to Earhart historians, Joe Gervais and Randall.

Brink beginning in the 1. British film director, Ken Annakin who optioned his story.

Gervais account. Mr. Hannon asserted that Amelia was quietly liberated from an internment camp in. China at the end of World War Two right after VJ Day. As a member of the OSS, (Office Of Strategic Services) he participated. Watch The Thaw Online Mic. Weihsien, citing how he 'saw Amelia' in the process of doing so, sequestered away in separate. He added she was 'not well' at the time, and was being privately attended to by a nurse.

A British Commander. OSS team's arrival at the camp, referred to the sequestered Earhart as, "the Yank Jane Doe." Mr.